Sunday 20 November 2011

Nutrition Basics for Children

Nutrition Basics to help your Child Stay Healthy 
Nutrition is important to your children's health. Proper nutrition can prevent many medical problems. Balanced food provides required nutrition, which is essential for children's growth.

Most food contains Macronutrients and Micronutrients in varying amounts.

Macronutrients provides energy for daily function and activities. It is essential in large quantities for healthy growth and development. Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats form the essential macronutrients.

Micronutrients play an essential role in regulating metabolism. Vitamins and Minerals form the essential micronutrients which are found in tiny amounts in food.



Carbohydrates are available in nearly all foods of plant origin. Some carbohydrates are good source of energy while others add only calories but less of nutritive value. Carbohydrates  (chains of sugar molecules) can be classified as simple (fruits- fructose, milk- lactose, sugar- sucrose) or complex (potato- starch, oats, vegetables- fibre) based on structure. Foods that contain complex carbohydrates, which take longer time to break down to glucose, are considered as better carbohydrates in comparison to foods containing added sugar like cakes and cookies.
Better Carbohydrate
Brown Rice
White Rice
Brown Bread
White Bread
Whole Apple
Apple Juice

Protein is essential for growing children as it is important for cell growth, repair and maintenance. Physical activities and exercises increase your children's need for protein. Dietary protein can be obtained from both animal and plant origin.

Plant Protein
Animal Protein
Red Meat (Lamb, Pork, Beef)
Fish, Poultry (Chicken)
Milk Products


Not all fats are bad. Some fat plays an important role in the absorption of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Cholesterol is essential for the production of sex hormones. However only a small amounts is required from diet as our body manufactures the rest. Trans fats, Saturated fats and Cholesterol are less healthy than polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.
Good Fat
Bad Fat
Olive Oil
Coconut Oil, Palm oil
Fish Oil
Ice Cream
Corn Oil
Sunflower Oil

Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamins are essential for normal growth and development. Eating a variety of foods is the best way to get enough vitamins as no one food contains all the essential vitamins. Vitamins are organic substances (made by plants or animals).  Minerals help in regulating body metabolism. Minerals are inorganic elements that come from earth soil and water which are absorbed by plants. Minerals are needed only in tiny quantities.

Vitamins & Minerals
Vitamin A
Carrot, Cabbage, Liver, Eggs
Vitamin B
Spinach, Eggs, Nuts, Meat
Vitamin C
Oranges, Mango, Cabbage, Tomato
Vitamin D
Fish, Egg
Vitamin E
Almonds, Peanuts, Prawns
Vitamin K
Grapes, Pears, Cabbage, Carrot
Milk, Cheese, Yoghurt
Chicken, Meat, lentils, Spinach

Best way to keep your children healthy is to encourage them:

  • Not to miss Breakfast
  • To have  5 Fruits a Day
  • To eat Variety of Foods
  • To balance the food they eat with Physical Activity
  • To choose a diet with
           v Plenty of Grain Products, Vegetables and Fruits
            v      Moderate in sugars and salt
            v      Low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol

·         To choose a diet that provides enough calcium and iron to meet their growing body's requirements

Sunday 13 November 2011

My Kid won't eat (Food Refusal)

My Kid won't eat (Food Refusal)

Many children may go through phases of refusing to eat certain foods (food fads). This is a normal stage in young children. Food refusal is a way of showing independence.

It might be worrying to you as a parent. But your children will not harm themselves if they don't eat enough for a short while.

What should I do as a parent ?
  1. Don't force your child to eat!
  2. Provide only regular meals and snacks. (Young children need 3 meals and 2-3 nutritious snacks per day) - For Example - Fruits, Milk, Biscuits, Small Sandwich)
  3. Don't give Milk instead of Food.
  4. Don't give snacks closer to meal times.
  5. Have Dinner together as a family.
  6. Present food in an attractive way !!!
  7. Encourage children to play with food. they need to feel the texture of food. Don't worry about mess.
  8. Watch what you eat. Because Children may imitate you!
  9. Give at least 2 choices of food to your Kid.
Guidelines to be followed - Might be difficult to practice!

  1. Don't show your anger if your children don't eat.
  2. Praise the Kid if he/she eats.

Happy Children's Day